PLENARY SESSION.Fifty years of colour centre physics p. C6-1 H. Pick DOI: AbstractPDF (513.4 KB)
Recent developments in magnetic resonance studies of defects in ionic crystals p. C6-13 J.M. Spaeth DOI: AbstractPDF (315.1 KB)
FAST ION CONDUCTORS.Quasielastic neutron scattering from a single crystal of α-AgI p. C6-17 K. Funke, A. Höch and R.E. Lechner DOI: AbstractPDF (221.9 KB)
Specific heats of crystals with the fluorite structure p. C6-20 W. Schröter and J. Nölting DOI: AbstractPDF (212.1 KB)
Computer simulation of fast ion transport in fluorites p. C6-24 M. Dixon and M. J. Gillan DOI: AbstractPDF (258.2 KB)
NMR-Study of Structure and Diffusion Processes in Li3N p. C6-28 R. Messer, H. Birli and K. Differt DOI: AbstractPDF (240.8 KB)
Defect properties and ionic transport in layered compounds p. C6-32 J. R. Walker and C. R. A. Catlow DOI: AbstractPDF (1.020 MB)
Fast ion conductors with rotating sulphate ions p. C6-35 R. Aronsson, B. Jansson, H. E. G. Knape, A. Lundén, L. Nilsson, C.-A. Sjöblom and L. M. Torell DOI: AbstractPDF (183.1 KB)
COLOUR CENTRES IN HALIDES (1).Electron spin resonance in different states of the relaxed configuration of F-centres p. C6-39 A. Winnacker, K. Hahn, H. J. Reyher and Th. Vetter DOI: AbstractPDF (192.9 KB)
Magnetic circular polarization of the F center emission p. C6-42 H. Ohkura, K. Imanaka, K. Iwahaka, T. Wada and M. Tanaka DOI: AbstractPDF (203.1 KB)
Some effects of perturbation on F-centre lifetime p. C6-45 L. Bosi DOI: AbstractPDF (207.5 KB)
ENDOR Study of the F Center in KMgF3 p. C6-48 R.C. DuVarney, J.R. Niklas and J.M. Spaeth DOI: AbstractPDF (885.8 KB)
Magnetic field effects on the F and F' centers in NaBr and NaI p. C6-51 G. Baldacchini, G. Gallerano and F. Lüty DOI: AbstractPDF (61.53 KB)
PLENARY SESSION.Computer Modelling of Ionic Crystals p. C6-53 C. R. A. Catlow DOI: AbstractPDF (666.9 KB)
CALCULATIONS OF POINT DEFECT PROPERTIES.Disorder in Pure and Doped Strontium Chloride p. C6-61 P.J. Bendall and C. R. A. Catlow DOI: AbstractPDF (192.4 KB)
The calculated defect structure of ZnO p. C6-64 W.C. Mackrodt, R.F. Stewart, J.C. Campbell and I.H. Hillier DOI: AbstractPDF (244.2 KB)
Dopant aggregation and precipitation in alkali halides doped with divalent ions p. C6-68 J. Corish, J.M. Quigley, C. R. A. Catlow and P.W.M. Jacobs DOI: AbstractPDF (877.0 KB)
Towards a self-consistent set of defect parameters for KCl p. C6-72 L.A. Acuña and P.W.M. Jacobs DOI: AbstractPDF (228.9 KB)
THEORY OF COLOUR CENTRES.Cluster-Bethe Lattice calculation for the electronic structure of hydrogen centres in alkali-halides p. C6-77 H. S. Brandi and B. Koiller DOI: AbstractPDF (155.8 KB)
Oscillator strengths of defects in insulators : The generalization of Smakula's equation p. C6-80 D. Y. Smith and G. Graham DOI: AbstractPDF (280.1 KB)
Lattice dynamics of KI perturbed by Jahn-Teller centres p. C6-84 N. Terzi and G.P. Brivio DOI: AbstractPDF (210.0 KB)
Energy levels of FB(Na)-centre in KCl p. C6-88 C. K. Ong DOI: AbstractPDF (188.6 KB)
POINT DEFECTS IN SILVER HALIDES.Kinetics and thermodynamics of the migration of interstitial defects p. C6-91 A.B. Lidiard and R. A. McKee DOI: AbstractPDF (170.8 KB)
Free energy and point defect distribution for heavily doped AgCl by an integral equation method p. C6-94 A. R. Allnatt and E. Loftus Allnatt DOI: AbstractPDF (167.9 KB)
Mean Field Theory of enhanced defect formation in AgCl and AgBr p. C6-97 R. J. Friauf DOI: AbstractPDF (255.3 KB)
Formation energies of point defects in silver halides : Comparison of atomistically calculated values with values obtained by measurement of surface potentials p. C6-101 F. Granzer, M. Bücher, H.-G. Heuser, P. Petrasch and H. H. Potstada DOI: AbstractPDF (1009 KB)
Ionic space charge and dissolution of AgCl p. C6-106 L. S. Cain, N. Danieley, J.C.-Y. Lee and L. Slifkin DOI: AbstractPDF (238.1 KB)
COLOUR CENTRES IN ALKALI HALIDES (2).Defects induced in NaMgF3 crystals by X- and VUV-irradiation p. C6-109 N. Kristianpoller and B. Trieman DOI: AbstractPDF (202.5 KB)
Dynamics of positron-trapping color centers in alkali chloride crystals p. C6-112 W. Brandt and S. Stern DOI: AbstractPDF (225.4 KB)
The excited state of Z2 and Z+2 centres p. C6-116 H. J. Paus and W. Scheu DOI: AbstractPDF (223.4 KB)
Z2 centres in the triplet state p. C6-119 K. M. Strohm and H. J. Paus DOI: AbstractPDF (1.581 MB)
Identification of Z2- and associated Z-centres in LiF through a correlation of electrical conductivity, ITC and optical absorption measurements p. C6-123 S. Murali Dhara Rao DOI: AbstractPDF (224.4 KB)
PLENARY SESSION.Dislocations in ionic crystals p. C6-127 J. Castaing DOI: AbstractPDF (2.322 MB)
DISLOCATION STUDIES.Atomistic calculations of interaction energies between point defect complexes and dislocations in ionic crystals p. C6-135 M. P. Puls DOI: AbstractPDF (256.9 KB)
Effect of crystal orientation on the high temperature deformation of nearly stoichiometric spinel p. C6-139 N. Doukhan DOI: AbstractPDF (1.663 MB)
On the Energy of < 100 > Coincidence Twist Boundaries in Transition Metal Oxides p. C6-142 D. Wolf DOI: AbstractPDF (309.2 KB)
Dislocation dynamics in alkali halide single crystals investigated by nuclear spin relaxation measurements p. C6-146 W. H. M. Alsem, A. W. Sleeswyk, H. J. Hackelöer, R. Münter, H. Tamler and O. Kanert DOI: AbstractPDF (242.0 KB)
Solution hardening and softening in KCl-KBr single crystals at low temperature p. C6-150 T. Kataoka and T. Yamada DOI: AbstractPDF (247.1 KB)
IMPURITY EFFECTS AND RADIATION DAMAGE.Kinetics of U2 to H2O- defects conversion in OH- doped KCl and KBr p. C6-155 S. P. Morato and L. Gomes DOI: AbstractPDF (282.3 KB)
Colour centres in LiF : Mg crystals p. C6-159 A. Watterich, I. Földvári and R. Voszka DOI: AbstractPDF (1.054 MB)
Energy transfer in unirradiated and irradiated RbMnF3 and RbMnF3 : Er p. C6-163 W.A. Sibley and M.V. Iverson DOI: AbstractPDF (225.4 KB)
First stage F-centre production in irradiated alkali halides p. C6-166 J. D. Comins and B. O. Carragher DOI: AbstractPDF (270.5 KB)
DISLOCATION STUDIES.Dissociation of the dislocation and plasticity of the yttrium sesquioxyde : Y2O3 p. C6-171 R. J. Gaboriaud and M. Boisson DOI: AbstractPDF (3.414 MB)
Plastic deformation of MgO : n Al2O3 spinels at temperatures below 1000 °C (0.5 Tm) p. C6-175 P. Veyssière, S.H. Kirby and J. Rabier DOI: AbstractPDF (348.5 KB)
Dislocation influence on F-centre optical properties p. C6-179 J. Janszky, G. Turchányi, M. Mátrai and I. Tarján DOI: AbstractPDF (172.9 KB)
Charged dislocations and the plastic deformation of II-VI compounds p. C6-182 V. F. Petrenko and R. W. Whitworth DOI: AbstractPDF (308.6 KB)
A study of dislocations and inclusions in Yttrium Aluminum Garnet crystals with birefringence topography p. C6-186 Shu Shiu-ying, Kuo Zhoun-zhung and Fong Duan DOI: AbstractPDF (2.566 MB)
IMPURITY CENTRES.Ni+ and Ni3+ centers in X-irradiated CaF2 p. C6-191 J. Casas, H. W. Den Hartog and R. Alcalá DOI: AbstractPDF (267.6 KB)
Electron-lattice interaction of the Au- centre in KBr and RbCl p. C6-195 R. Harju and R. Laiho DOI: AbstractPDF (265.5 KB)
Optical properties of cubic and tetragonal Cu- centers in alkali halides p. C6-199 W. Kleemann, E. Grawe and L. Becker DOI: AbstractPDF (234.6 KB)
Local position of Fe3+ in ferroelectric BaTiO3 p. C6-203 E. Siegel and K.A. Müller DOI: AbstractPDF (264.2 KB)
PLENARY SESSIONMatter transport in ionic crystals p. C6-207 P.W.M. Jacobs DOI: AbstractPDF (493.8 KB)
TRANSPORT IN FLUORITE STRUCTURESSelf-diffusion and ionic conductivity in SrCl2 p. C6-213 M. Bénière, M. Chemla and F. Bénière DOI: AbstractPDF (209.2 KB)
Point defect parameters for strontium chloride from ionic conductivity studies p. C6-216 A.V. Chadwick, F.G. Kirkwood and R. Saghafian DOI: AbstractPDF (256.5 KB)
Enhanced ionic motion in some fluorite-structured solid solutions p. C6-220 K.E.D. Wapenaar DOI: AbstractPDF (193.4 KB)
NMR investigations of cation diffusion in some solids with antifluorite structure p. C6-223 M. Mousa, Y. S. Oei and H. Richtering DOI: AbstractPDF (261.5 KB)
RADIATION DAMAGE IN OXIDESElectron irradiation damage in MgO p. C6-227 R.A. Youngman, L.W. Hobbs and T.E. Mitchell DOI: AbstractPDF (1.695 MB)
Faulted defect aggregates in neutron-irradiated MgAl2O4 spinel p. C6-232 L.W. Hobbs and F.W. Clinard Jr. DOI: AbstractPDF (2.013 MB)
Radiolysis and defect structure in electron-irradiated α-quartz p. C6-237 L.W. Hobbs and M.R. Pascucci DOI: AbstractPDF (2.803 MB)
TRANSPORT MEASUREMENTSAtom transport in LiF-doped MgF2 crystals p. C6-243 J. Toulouse and A.S. Nowick DOI: AbstractPDF (246.8 KB)
19F N.M.R. studies of LaF3 p. C6-246 G.A. Jaroszkiewicz and J.H. Strange DOI: AbstractPDF (218.4 KB)
Nuclear spin relaxation and correlated diffusion of impurities p. C6-249 K. D. Becker DOI: AbstractPDF (209.7 KB)
Arrhenius law for self-diffusion and ionic conductivity NaI p. C6-252 D. Kostopoulos, K.V. Reddy and F. Bénière DOI: AbstractPDF (243.0 KB)
Novel rapid technique for the simulation of thermal vibration figures and diffusion routes in ionic solids p. C6-257 M.J. Dempsey and R. Freer DOI: AbstractPDF (1.021 MB)
Cationic motion in dehydrated zeolites p. C6-261 R.A. Schoonheydt DOI: AbstractPDF (233.1 KB)
IMPURITIES AND THERMOLUMINESCENCETitanium-related defects in Lif : Mg, Ti p. C6-265 T.G. Stœbe, J.B. Wolfenstine and W.C. Las DOI: AbstractPDF (227.0 KB)
Monochromatic thermoluminescence and models of recombination kinetics in ionic solids p. C6-269 V.V. Ratnam, R.K. Gartia and B.S. Acharya DOI: AbstractPDF (166.5 KB)
Anomalous behaviour of the low-temperature heat capacity for KCl crystals with heavy univalent impurities p. C6-272 M.D. Tiwari, P.N. Ram and V.K. Manchanda DOI: AbstractPDF (181.9 KB)
Electric dipole-dipole interaction in CaF2 : R3+ and SrF2 : R3+ : Results of ITC and EPR experiments p. C6-275 H. W. den Hartog DOI: AbstractPDF (271.2 KB)
PLENARY SESSIONPrimary processes in radiation damage p. C6-279 P. D. Townsend and F. Agullo-Lopez DOI: AbstractPDF (430.2 KB)
DIFFUSION AND REACTIVITYImpurity precipitation and grain boundary diffusion in NaCl p. C6-285 L. B. Harris DOI: AbstractPDF (1.346 MB)
Interdiffusion between sodium chloride and potassium chloride p. C6-289 L. Bonpunt, N. B. Chanh and Y. Haget DOI: AbstractPDF (267.3 KB)
Kinetics of bromine release during the photodecomposition of lead and silver bromide p. C6-293 S. J. C. Rushbiook Williams and L. W. Barr DOI: AbstractPDF (806.7 KB)
Chemical reactions and transport processes in lead iodide single crystals p. C6-297 T. Hagihara, K. Iwamoto, K. Fukumoto and N. Ayai DOI: AbstractPDF (1.571 MB)
PRIMARY PROCESSES IN RADIATION DAMAGEColor center formation in KBr under polarized UV-laser irradiation p. C6-301 K. Kan'no, M. Itoh and Y. Nakai DOI: AbstractPDF (240.2 KB)
Formation of F centers and STE's in RbBr, RbI and KBr in picosecond range p. C6-305 M. Hirai, Y. Suzuki and M. Okumura DOI: AbstractPDF (171.5 KB)
Limiting processes for the defect accumulation under electron irradiation in KBr at 4 K p. C6-308 A. Nouailhat DOI: AbstractPDF (218.5 KB)
Defect formation of LiH at low temperature p. C6-312 M. Ikeya and T. Miki DOI: AbstractPDF (186.8 KB)
TRANSPORT IN OXIDESNew investigation of oxygen self-diffusion in Cu2O p. C6-315 F. Perinet, S. Barbezat and C. Monty DOI: AbstractPDF (237.5 KB)
Isotope effect for cation diffusion in CoO p. C6-319 N. L. Peterson and W. K. Chen DOI: AbstractPDF (228.3 KB)
The self diffusion of Ni in undoped and Al-doped NiO single crystals p. C6-323 A. Atkinson and A. Hammou DOI: AbstractPDF (1.085 MB)
Diffusion study of oxygen implanted in nickel oxide p. C6-327 M. Meyer, S. Barbezat, C. El Houch and R. Talon DOI: AbstractPDF (199.0 KB)
The relationship between oxygen thermomigration and defect structure in some non-stoichiometric oxides p. C6-331 D. I. R. Norris DOI: AbstractPDF (199.3 KB)
Electronic conductivity of non stoichiometric yttria-doped ceria p. C6-335 M. Lévy, J. Fouletier and M. Kleitz DOI: AbstractPDF (982.0 KB)
SECONDARY PROCESS OF RADIATION DAMAGE IN HALIDESAn heterogeneous nucleation model for the irradiation coloring of alkali halides p. C6-341 M. Aguilar, F. Jaque and F. Agulló-López DOI: AbstractPDF (177.3 KB)
Radiation induced color center and colloid formation in synthetic NaCl and natural rock salt p. C6-344 P. W. Levy, K. J. Swyler and R. W. Klaffky DOI: AbstractPDF (1.060 MB)
Pulse radiolysis of transient defects in KBr at high temperatures p. C6-348 K. Toriumi, R. D. Saxena, K. Soda, K. Tanimura and N. Itoh DOI: AbstractPDF (160.1 KB)
Radiation induced M-centre production in NaCl at and above 15 °C p. C6-351 E. R. Hodgson, A. Delgado and J. L. Alvarez Rivas DOI: AbstractPDF (36.18 KB)
Reactor-induced bubble formation in potassium iodide single crystals p. C6-352 F. W. Felix, W. E. Montserrat Benavent and M. Müller DOI: AbstractPDF (58.72 KB)
PLENARY SESSIONThermoluminescence and lattice defects in alkali halides p. C6-353 J. L. Alvarez Rivas DOI: AbstractPDF (449.9 KB)
Two-photon spectroscopy of point defects p. C6-359 U. M. Grassano DOI: AbstractPDF (223.4 KB)
PRECIPITATE PHASESThe Suzuki phase in NaCl : Cd2+ and NaCl : Mg2+ p. C6-363 A. L. Guerrero, E. P. Butler and P. L. Pratt DOI: AbstractPDF (1.740 MB)
Growth of Suzuki-like occlusions in KCl : Pb analysed by means of photoluminescence and absorption spectra p. C6-367 P. G. Bertoldi, R. Capelletti, F. Fermi, M. Manfredi and V. J. Graveris DOI: AbstractPDF (253.1 KB)
Correlated thermal conductivity and ionic thermocurrents measurements to study lead induced defect in KCl p. C6-371 M. Locatelli, E. Zecchi and R. Capelletti DOI: AbstractPDF (254.3 KB)
Transmission electron microscopy of doped NaCl crystals p. C6-376 I. V. K. Bhagavan Raju, H. Strecker and H. Strunk DOI: AbstractPDF (1.879 MB)
DEFECT RECOMBINATION AND AGGREGATIONRadiation induced point defects in CaF2, SrF2, BaF2 and MgF2 p. C6-381 W. Buttler, H.-J. Stöckmann, F. Fujara, P. Heitjans, G. Kiese, H. Ackermann, B. Bader, K. Dörr, H. Grupp and H. Lauter DOI: AbstractPDF (196.8 KB)
Characterization of different aggregation stages in implanted LiF crystals p. C6-385 J. Davenas, J. P. Duppin, Vu Thien Binh and C. H. S. Dupuy DOI: AbstractPDF (1021 KB)
PRECIPITATE PHASESComparative evolution of thermal colloids developed in MgO crystals implanted with alkali metal ions p. C6-391 M. Treilleux and G. Chassagne DOI: AbstractPDF (204.9 KB)
Dielectric polarization of thermochemically treated MgO : Li+ crystals p. C6-394 J. H. Crawford, Jr. Eisenberg and D. J. Eisenberg DOI: AbstractPDF (252.7 KB)
Current-voltage characteristics of Li-doped MgO oxidized at elevated temperatures p. C6-398 Y. Chen, J. L. Boldu and V. M. Orera DOI: AbstractPDF (153.8 KB)
OFF-CENTRE IMPURITY CENTRES.Temperature dependence of the reorientation behavior of < 110 > off-center Ag+ defects in RbBr p. C6-401 S. Kapphan and J. Koppitz DOI: AbstractPDF (234.7 KB)
NMR-investigation of the dynamic properties of off-center Ag+ defects in RbCl p. C6-404 O. Kanert, R. Küchler and M. Mali DOI: AbstractPDF (218.8 KB)
EPR of (LiH)+ and (AgH)+ centers in KCl p. C6-408 L. O. Schwan, W. Geigle, W. Nagel, R. Bauer and H. Stoll DOI: AbstractPDF (1.775 MB)
Off-centre instability induced by exchange forces p. C6-412 S. Nagasaka and T. Kamikawa DOI: AbstractPDF (188.5 KB)
Effect of electric fields on the spectra of off-centre substitutional defects in strontium oxide p. C6-415 A. Edgar, I. H. Brunskill, N. B. Manson and Y. Haider DOI: AbstractPDF (210.2 KB)
PLENARY SESSION.Structural phase transitions : defects and dynamics p. C6-419 P. A. Fleury DOI: AbstractPDF (428.5 KB)
IMPURITY - POINT DEFECT EQUILIBRIA.Energy parameters for the migration of anion vacancies in alkali halides p. C6-425 J. S. Cook and J. S. Dryden DOI: AbstractPDF (239.0 KB)
Clustering of divalent cation-vacancy pairs in alkali halide crystals p. C6-429 E. Lilley DOI: AbstractPDF (201.6 KB)
Defect kinetics in KCl single crystals p. C6-432 R. W. Bennett and W. J. Fredericks DOI: AbstractPDF (109.4 KB)
Laser spectroscopy of defect equilibria in fluorite materials p. C6-434 J. C. Wright DOI: AbstractPDF (134.0 KB)
PHASE TRANSITIONS AND EXCITONSRaman and infrared studies of librational-translational modes in stress-aligned ferroelastic KCN p. C6-437 D. Durand, L. C. Scavarda do Carmo and F. Luty DOI: AbstractPDF (30.92 KB)
Neutron scattering study of coupled defect-phonon modes in KCl1-x(KCN)x p. C6-438 R. M. Nicklow DOI: AbstractPDF (28.63 KB)
Reflectance, fluorescence yield, and photoelectron spectroscopy of CaF2 in the 10 to 100 eV range p. C6-439 R. T. Williams, D. J. Nagel and M. N. Kabler DOI: AbstractPDF (278.9 KB)
Relaxation processes of the triplet state of self-trapped excitons in alkali-halide crystals p. C6-443 Y. Mori, C. Jaccard, J. P. von der Weid and M. A. Aegerter DOI: AbstractPDF (223.9 KB)
DIELECTRIC RELAXATION AND IONIC THERMO-CURRENT STUDIESA study of impurity-vacancy complexes in SrCl2 doped with Na+, K+ or Rb+ ions by the ionic thermocurrent method p. C6-447 M. Jacquet and M. Bathier DOI: AbstractPDF (240.0 KB)
Polarizable complexes in barium fluoride doped with trivalent ions p. C6-451 E. Laredo, D. R. Figueroa and M. Puma DOI: AbstractPDF (247.1 KB)
Point defects in NaCl : NaF : Pb+ + single crystals p. C6-455 D. M. G. Pinatti and M. F. de Souza DOI: AbstractPDF (193.5 KB)
Electrical relaxation in double doped calcium fluoride and activation volume for the RI relaxation p. C6-458 J. J. Fontanella, R. J. Kimble, Jr., M. C. Wintersgill, C. Andeen and M. K. Smith DOI: AbstractPDF (285.7 KB)
Dielectric properties of ionic conductors : Yttria stabilized zirconia and forsterite p. C6-462 B. Cales and P. Abelard DOI: AbstractPDF (200.7 KB)
RAMAN AND INFRA-RED STUDIES OF DEFECTSTheory of F-centre Raman scattering in SrF2 p. C6-465 R. H. Bartram, M. C. K. Wiltshire and W. Hayes DOI: AbstractPDF (224.8 KB)
Study of aggregation of F-centers in NaCl by Raman scattering p. C6-468 L. Taurel DOI: AbstractPDF (231.6 KB)
Inelastic light scattering of the VK- and H-centre in alkali halides p. C6-472 E. Goovaerts, L. De Schepper and D. Schoemaker DOI: AbstractPDF (264.9 KB)
Raman study of V-centres in X-irradiated KI and RbI p. C6-476 S. Lefrant DOI: AbstractPDF (204.6 KB)
PLENARY SESSIONSmall polaron aspects of defects in oxide materials p. C6-479 O. F. Schirmer DOI: AbstractPDF (379.1 KB)
SURFACE AND SPACE CHARGESElectrostatic charge effects on surface defects in alkali halide crystals p. C6-485 M. J. Yacamán and J. P. Hirth DOI: AbstractPDF (1.029 MB)
The structure and properties of fluorite crystal surfaces p. C6-488 P. W. Tasker DOI: AbstractPDF (277.7 KB)
Discharge of ions and space charge formation in CdF2 crystals with different kinds of electrodes p. C6-492 A. Kessler DOI: AbstractPDF (1.113 MB)
Maxwell-Boltzmann periodic structures by point defects in ionic crystals p. C6-496 M. Georgiev, N. Martinov and D. Ouroushev DOI: AbstractPDF (250.8 KB)
COLOUR CENTRES IN OXIDESEffect of the V- ↔ V= transformation on positron annihilation lifetime spectra in MgO p. C6-501 W. C. Mallard, F. H. Hsu and E. R. Vance DOI: AbstractPDF (217.1 KB)
Excitonic photoconductivity and structural defects in Cu2O crystals p. C6-504 A. Haydar and A. Coret DOI: AbstractPDF (1.897 MB)
Thermally and optically stimulated processes in X-irradiated scheelite type crystals p. C6-508 M. Böhm, R. Grasser, A. Hofstaetter and A. Scharmann DOI: AbstractPDF (227.2 KB)
Colour centres in conducting SrTiO3 p. C6-511 K. W. Blazey, R. Koch and J. G. Bednorz DOI: AbstractPDF (158.5 KB)
STUDIES OF DEFECT PROPERTIESAn X-ray Study of Defective Ionic Single Crystals p. C6-513 Z. Morlin, Á. Péter, I. Földvári and A. Mecseki DOI: AbstractPDF (198.3 KB)
Defect pressure, formation volume, and temperature dependence of formation properties of point defects in ionic solids p. C6-516 R. Bauer and R. K. Leutz DOI: AbstractPDF (344.6 KB)
On the luminescence of RbI : Pb2+ at liquid helium temperature p. C6-520 S. B. S. Sastry and S. Sapru DOI: AbstractPDF (142.5 KB)
SEM cathodoluminescence studies of heat-treated MgO crystals p. C6-522 S. Datta, I. M. Boswarva and D. B. Holt DOI: AbstractPDF (294.0 KB)
«On the connection between the specific heat of a Schottky defect and the curvature observed in the Arrhenius plots in ionic materials» p. C6-526 P. Varotsos and K. Alexopoulos DOI: AbstractPDF (271.9 KB)
COLOUIR CENTRES IN OXIDESOrigin of the luminescence excited in the F absorption band in MgO p. C6-531 P. Edel DOI: AbstractPDF (166.2 KB)
Polarized luminescence of an aggregate defect centre in Al2O3 p. C6-533 L. S. Welch, A. E. Hughes and G. P. Pells DOI: AbstractPDF (292.5 KB)
ENDOR investigation of defects in sodium [MATH]-alumina p. C6-537 R. C. Barklie, J. R. Niklas and J. M. Spaeth DOI: AbstractPDF (191.0 KB)
Spin dephasing in the excited triplet state of F+ -center pairs in CaO p. C6-540 R. Hond and M. Glasbeek DOI: AbstractPDF (30.43 KB)