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Hydrogen in Niobium-Molybdenum Alloys: A Realistic Example of a Random-Field Ising Model

Carol K. Hall, Arthur I. Shirley and Paramdeep S. Sahni
Physical Review Letters 53 (13) 1236 (1984)

On the dynamic nature of the freezing process in Ising spin glasses

Wolfgang Kinzel
Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter 46 (1) 59 (1982)

Magnetic relaxation and electronic properties of the Eu1-xGdxS spin glass system from151Eu Mossbauer spectroscopy

F J Litterst, J M Friedt, J L Tholence and F Holtzberg
Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 15 (5) 1049 (1982)

Study of Random Magnetic Alloys near Their Critical Concentrations under High Pressure

C. W. Chu, M. K. Wu, B. J. Jin, W. Y. Lai and H. S. Chen
Physical Review Letters 46 (25) 1643 (1981)

High-pressure Mössbauer study of the Curie temperatures and transferred hyperfine fields at 151Eu and substitutional 119Sn in EuS and EuSe

J. Moser, G. Wortmann, N. Bykovetz and G.M. Kalvius
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 12 (1) 77 (1979)